My Heart

Twenty years, six months and three days ago; I welcomed you into the world.

My tiny baby girl. 6lbs 15oz, feisty, determined and with the most beautifully curious brown eyes I've ever seen.

In one week from now you will be moving out on your own and will begin exploring the world all over again. As a beautiful, sensitive, caring and thoughtful young woman. Where did the time go?

Raising you .... watching you grow and mature has been one of my greatest joys in life. I know that I have not been the perfect mother, and I have made mistakes. Motherhood does not come with a 'how-to-book'. Together we had to figure a lot of things out. And the road was not always easy. But the journey was worth it. And I would not trade a day.

Surviving difficult times is how we grow. How we learn. How we prepare ourselves for the obstacles to come.

I want you to know that although I have not always liked, or agreed with the some decisions you have made ... and you sure gave me a run for my money through your teenage years. One thing has always remained true. My love for you is as strong today as it was the day our eyes first met.

Before you were born, I had nine months (and two weeks) to dream. Dream of how your life would be. How I would fight and sacrifice to make sure you had the best that I could do. I hope I accomplished that for you.

Over the recent years, I have had to constantly remind myself that you are not my little curly-girl anymore. You are a young woman and your own life's dreams may not be the same as my dreams for you. Clearly this has been a difficult truth for me to absorb. I am working on it. But always know that no matter the path you choose, the person you are will forever be tied to my heart and soul.

My only wishes for you are that you are happy, healthy, successful, and that you have peace in your heart. I think all mothers want that for their children. I am no different. I cannot promise that I will not weigh in from time to time .... whenever I feel you are in harms way. But I promise to give you the room to spread your wings.

There has been much more than conflict in these years. There has been tenderness, attentiveness, compassion and love. When push comes to shove - we have been there for each other. I will not forget how you changed my bandages each day following my cancer surgery and all of the biopsies since. Your strength and courage far outweighed your fears. I want you to remember when life becomes scary, that you have my strength and courage. Hold tight to that. Remember there is nothing you cannot overcome.

I pray that one day you will have children of your own. So that you can experience the indescribable love that comes with being a mother.

I know that you will be as wonderful of a mother to your babies, as you have been a daughter to me.

Just don't rush to get to that place in your life. Enjoy now. Meet people, travel, live your twenties and gain the experiences life has to offer.

None of us know how our lives will unfold. Two things I know for sure; life is precious and time is short.

Reach beyond limits...

Live every moment to it's fullest...

Love beyond fear...

Laugh until you cry...

Remember you are loved & cherished for all eternity ...

..... with each beat of my heart.
